Five Apps To Help Your With Your Finances

#acorns #apps #creditkarma #debtmanager #finances #mint #stash Oct 22, 2017

We all have to start somewhere when it comes to managing your money and your finances.  It is never too late to get educated and learn how to change your habits and become a savvy investor.  

The following apps will help you to be clear where you are right now and establish a plan to achieve your future goals.  The time is NOW! By the way, I am in no way associated with any of these apps, I personally use them and that is why I am recommending them.



This free app will allow you to see your credit and your credit scores.  I do have to clarify that the credit scores that are showing here is based on Vantage Score and not on FICO, Beacon or Empirica. So the scores are going to be a little different than if you are applying for a home because they use a different numeric factor.  However, this is a good start to know where you are at and also determine if there are any mistakes in your report that you can even handle directly on the app.   


This app, I think it is $1.99 and will help you to get out of debt faster.  They have a method that it is called either stacking or snowball where you will be able to pay off your debt in a shorter time.  All you have to do is follow the instructions.  


I love this free app.  It is part of Intuit a business and financial software developer with programs like TurboTax, Quickbooks, and Quicken.  But Mint is an app where you will be able to keep track of your spendings.  You also will be able to create different budgets for your goals and it will help you to keep track of your accomplishments.  All you have to do is to add and link all your accounts and Mint will guide you on the rest. 


On this one, I am giving you the option to chose based on your preferences.  But this is a good way to get your feet wet into investing.  The best part of this is expanding your profits. Both apps help you to invest. You can start by investing your change on any of your purchases. You can choose where you want your money to go or you can let them do it for you.  One additional thing that Acorns have is that other companies are willing to add additional money to your account if you purchase from them directly from your Acorns account. 

 Which of these are you ready to use?  I hope that you start at least with 3 of them.  And remember that "financial education is the path to freedom".


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