What Entrepreneurs Do on Labor Day?
Sep 03, 2020
Are you excited for Labor Day?
Or any holiday for that matter?
Labor Day is one of the most common paid holidays in the US. At least 97% of the employers pay you for Labor Day and give it as a day off to their employees.
There are no Federal laws requiring an employer to give a paid holiday or give you extra compensation for this day.
For most people, Labor Day is a reason to take a “well-deserved” day off.
How can you make the most of this holiday?
If you are happy with your current circumstances, be my guest, enjoy your day.
But Labor Day is a great day to think about your side hustle, so you can stop being a Corporate Prisoner. This is a time where you can catch up with doing things that will help you get closer to freedom.
What entrepreneurs do on Labor Day?
- Reconnect with friends and let others know what they are up to these days.
- Disconnect and show their friends the freedom they are experiencing, since they can take a day off whenever you want.
- By taking time off from their business and reconnecting with people, the brain will be open to new ideas when they come back.
- Or since they can take a day off whenever they want, they work on their business.
- They don’t turn on their laptops.
- They reflect on those that are employees and are looking for ways to achieve financial freedom and how they can help them.
- They celebrate the fact that they are their own boss and they manage their own time.
- They realize the opportunity that they have been given and want to share it with the world.
If you want to learn more about how to go into business for yourself, don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss your options.
I am here to help you achieve your financial goals. Just schedule a time so we can chat. https://www.sarachevere.com/pages/calendar
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