Finance Babe

Finance Babe

Hosted by: Sara Chevere

Finance Babe is the leading podcast on Financial Education for Professional Women that are ready to stop trading time for money and want to take charge of their finances once and for all so they can live the lives...


MMM8- The Entrepreneur's Freedom Code

Season #2 Episode #1

Here are the links from our sponsors for today. What are the basic steps for financial success in your business? What are the...
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[MMM7] Setting Your Kids For Financial Success!

Season #2 Episode #1

We all love our children and we want to give them the best.  However, sometimes we forget about their future.   Sometimes we think that they are too young or it is too early to set them up for success. Today, I am...
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[MMM 6] The 3 Keys To Wealth

Season #1 Episode #6

If we ask people about what are the 3 keys to health, most likely they will answer right away and they will know the answer. Eat Healthy (nutritional meals) Exercise Rest (sleep) Now, when it comes to the 3 keys to...
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[MMM 5] How To Get Rid Of Your Student Loan?

Season #1 Episode #5

The cost of a college degree keeps going up, but I am not sure if the value of a college degree is going up too. What do you think? Over the past decade, the prices at a University has increased to a point that more...
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[MMM 4] All That Clutter Used To Be Money!!

Season #1

Today I'm going to talk about our stuff and our environment.   I have learned that one of the keys to attract and manifest wealth into our lives is drum roll... getting rid of stuff! I know, hard to believe, but that...
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[MMM 3] Why Women Need To Master Money Matters?

Season #1 Episode #3

It has been proven that women financial needs are entirely different than men.  Also, we encounter various problems with money than men.  Most women don't trust financial advisors.  Financial Advisors don't speak...
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#2 Are You Ready To Manifest Your Goals in 2019

Season #1

In this episode we are going to review 10 possible things that stopped us from achieving our goals last year.   Are you ready to manifest what you want in 2019? What do you really want? Are you wondering why you...
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[MMM 1]How Did I Get Here?

Season #1 Episode #1

Hello Saranation!   Welcome to Mastering Money Matters first episode.   In here I will tell you a little bit about my journey on how I got to start this podcast.   I am sharing what is my vision and my mission and...
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