
Living your dream life without worrying about money;  growing your net worth while making an impact in the world... all
because you have become a…

Finance Babe!

Start Your Journey NOW! >>>


Finance Babe Academy

This is NOT another online money course you see and hear about. This is a comprehensive step-by-step method to overcoming money barriers, transforming your relationship with money, making more money than you know what to do with, investing with ease, getting out of debt, and leveling up your life in every way imaginable. 


Hey Babe! 


It's time to get your money right, gain clarity, bravery, and confidence, and plan for a bright financial future. Get the financial education your need that will lead you to financial freedom. When we do this as women, we have the power to change the world because women are better with money; you JUST don't know it yet.

Let me show you how TO...

♥ Develop a foolproof system to master your finances while effortlessly witnessing your bank account flourishing with ease.

♥ Transition your mindset, while infusing it with an abundance attitude.

♥  Hone your skills by managing multiple streams of income and multiplying your wealth wisely.

♥ Craft an intelligent spending plan while setting aside funds for a secure future YOU and re-write your financial future.

Join FBA Today! >>>

So Are You…

A driven woman looking for ways to get ahead and make more money.

A woman looking to earn more than your 9-5 salary.

An established woman aiming to hit your next big financial goal.

A woman who believes that she is meant for more with her life.

Someone who wants to attract more money in her life, but is not sure how.

A woman who believes she is capable of greatness but feels that lacks luck or hasn't gotten a break.

Someone who knows is in need of peace of mind funds but still lives day by day.

A woman whose income is mostly spent on expenses, leaving little or no room for savings and retirement.

Someone who is heavily in debt and has no idea how to pay it off.

A woman interested to understand concepts like Stocks, Bonds, Crypto Real Estates, and other type of investments.

Someone totally ready to take charge of her money and live on her terms.

A woman ready to feel empowered by being in control of her present and future financial situation.


What if you could…

✓ be in total control of your finances?

learn to live your purpose and manage your money with ease?

start believing in your capacity to make sound financial choices?

✓ identify your mental roadblocks?

finally, have a hand over your debt? 

✓ always have options and start believing you deserve to build the live you love with confidence?

✓ find out what is holding you back and stopping you from achieving greatness?

I have good news for you…





Your desires and dreams are achievable and intended for you. 

Yes, wealth is part of it. Being wealthy is, in fact, your natural birthright. 

The universe is created to support your well-being, and one way it achieves this is by orchestrating circumstances that alleviate financial worries. 

Why? You have more important goals to achieve! Even so, you and I both know there are much more pressing matters to worry about than money.

And look at you! You have accomplished so many things; it is time to accomplish bigger and even more. 

Are you ready? 


Finance the Life You Desire

We all have a unique, emotional money story: our upbringing influences our daily decisions.

We hold ourselves back when we don't understand our financial and professional decisions…

Our financial potential is limited in a world where we need all hands on deck to close the gender wealth and leadership gaps.

To create the life you love, you need to let go of your old story and build a positive connection with money regardless of what others might think or say.  Because you, my darling, you can do great things. 

♥ You can build a business or invest and fund one.

♥ You can give back to the community and the world through philanthropy work. 

♥ You can change legislation and governmental rules. 

♥ You can create generational wealth and leave a legacy.

♥ You can eliminate hunger and poverty by teaching others what you'll learn here. 

♥ You can change your financial future and the ones that surround you by providing more opportunities. 

Isn't that awesome? 

I'M IN! >>>

STOP Waiting For Life To Come To You.

Now is the time to…






Choose your life! >>>

This is it... 

 Envision strengthening your financial status.

 Having a fresh take on money.

 Getting money quickly and effectively.

 Getting ready to embark on your dream trip.

 Everywhere you travel, you'll be flying first class.

 Save regularly, and diversify broadly. 

 You gladly pay all of your bills and debts.

 Buy a brand new car with cash. 

 Confidently open your bills.

 Take that two weeks getaway vacation.

 Love talking about money.

 You easily attract and manifest money.

 Become an investment expert.

 Visualize a brighter future for you and your family.

 You are growing your daily and monthly revenue.

 You are fulfilling all your dreams.

 You are leaving a legacy to your children.

  Start and grow your own company.

It's time for you to have an impact, freedom, life, and success of your dreams.

Therefore, I have created a course to help you get real, get back on track, and achieve more than you ever thought possible!


Claim My Elite Offer >>>

This course will teach you:


>> How to learn and understand financial concepts that you never thought possible. 

>> How to manifest more wealth and attract it into your life.

>> How to shift to an abundant mindset.

>> How to get rid of debt and stop worrying about it constantly.

>> How to make financial decisions confidently.

>> How to make an enjoyable spending plan.

>> How to manage and save for your future self.

>> How to set and attain all of your financial objectives. 

I am ready to learn sign me up >>>

The best thing about this

...is that you can use these techniques right away and implement the concepts throughout your life.

Are you ready to be in the driver's seat of your money and finances? 

Ssshhhhh! Before that, there are things you need to know about money — SHERLOCK MOMENTS.

Money is a reflection of your thought system and your energy connection.

Everything you ever believed about money—

is what materialized in your life today.


Our money is ours to make and receive when we grasp how it works and connects to the holy grail.

That's why Finance Babe Academy isn't simply some puff course about money mindset hacks...

I want to learn more about money and finances >>>

It is a Revolutionary Approach!

A MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT — holistic makeover so you can fully recreate your old self (the money-repelling version into a hyper-attractive version) and operate from your actual, authentic rich self.

 Be the Finance Babe you deserve to be.


You can be someone rich in connections, joy, energy, finances, influence, and most importantly, embracing your most genuine self.

I'm ready to be a Finance Babe >>>

After completing this course:   

✓ You should feel confident in your ability to manage your finances.

✓ You should have a better relationship with money.

✓ You should know your Financial Freedom Number and what will this mean for you.

✓ You should have a clear plan to pay off your bad debt.

✓ You should have a grasp of basic investment and financial literacy.

✓ You should be confident in your ability to discuss money with people.

✓ You should have established a freedom fun fund.

✓ You should have a more solid financial foundation.

✓ You should be free to spend your money on what matters most to you.

✓ You should feel posivite about your financial future. 

You should be able to be securing a legacy. 

✓ You should be able to put yourself in a position of financial prosperity.



Join FBA Now! >>>


Join the 100's of other Finance Babes who have gained financial confidence and changed their lives together.

Take a look at what other women have said...

"Sara provided clear, supportive advice and consultation that immediately set me up for success. I recommend her to any woman seeking to improve or increase the health of her personal or business finances." 

Melany F.

"Sara was so patient in helping me get clarity. Her guidance instilled confidence, providing me with a clear, strategic pathway to financial recovery. Thanks to her, I'm back on track."

Sandy M.

"As a Freelancer, I needed this guidance to be able to manage my expenses and my unstable income. The course was eye-opening as I learned how to track my income and expenses efficiently."

Hira M.

Visionary Investment


Pay in Full

  • Three 1:1 Coaching Calls
  • Financial Freedom Analysis
  • Digital Money Ascension Planner
  • All features of Empowering
    and Momentum Package
Exclusive Bonus for you >>

Momentum Plan


12 Months Plans

  • 12 Months Access 
  • Monthly Live Q&A Group Calls
  • Private Community Group
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Access To EmpowerHer Workshop
Show me the roadmap >>>

There is more... 

We want you to see cash FLOWING into your bank account and LIVE your new reality whatever that means to you. We want you to still have money left at the end of each month.

 So, we'll go above and above for you because let's face it...

YOU deserve it! 

All You Need To Do Is Take Action


Enroll in Finance Babe Academy & Get 6 Exclusive Sexy Bonuses! 
$8,000 Value
(You wouldn’t get it elsewhere)


 Take Action and Enjoy These Bonuses

12 Months Access ($3000 Value)

You will have lifetime access to the course including workbooks, sheets, and any future updates 

Private Community Group ($500 Value)

You will be part of a supporting community of women with the same focus

Monthly Live Q&A Group Calls ($2000 Value)

We will meet  for support and answer any questions

Exclusive Pay In Full Bonus ($2500 Value)

Pay in full and get 3 Private Coaching Calls

Digital Money Ascension Planner  ($100 Value)

Get your yearly planner to help you keep track and in control of your money

Certificate of Completion (Priceless)

I will be your biggest cheerleader to help you complete the course.

Visionary Investment


Pay In Full

  • Three 1:1 Coaching Calls
  • Financial Freedom Analysis
  • Digital Money Ascension Planner
  • All features of Empowerment
    and Momentum Package

Momentum Plan


12 Months Payment

  • 12 Months Access 
  • Monthly Live Q&A Group Calls
  • Private Community Group
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Access To EmpowerHer Workshop

What can I expect from this course?

This course is a no-nonsense, non-judgmental way to learn about money management.

You'll find inspiring stories.

Here you'll find tools to help you overcome self-imposed and restrictive beliefs and embrace new beliefs.

You will be able to align your spending with your priorities and values.

 You'll have a sensible, fun approach to help you improve your situation.

A speedier way to your goals. A clear and direct path to your aspirations.

The secret to attracting more abundance and prosperity.

 Can you guarantee results?

I'm sure you'll see results if you are coachable and put into practice this method. However, the outcomes will vary. My lawyer advised me to include the disclaimer below as a precaution.



"I don't guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials may not be typical for all students."

Do You Have A Refund Policy? 

Yes, but first you have to do the work.

If you submit your 1st homework and still feel you haven't gotten any value or won't get any benefits, I believe you. You choose not to have one.

In order to qualify for a refund, you must submit proof that you did the work in the course and it did not work for you.

Sign Me Up!! >>>

Hi, I’m Sara Chevere, an Intuitive Financial Coach.

“I help Women just like you and me that have BIG dreams to get back on track with their finances. It is time to take charge of our money so we can live on our OWN terms.”

I discovered how to transform my own money story and build wealth, and I've assisted hundreds of women in doing the same.

And today, just like the students who have already gone through this with me, I'm passionate about helping you transform your life, your financial account, and building your sexy assets.

Is it a universal truth that having more money makes everything better? Clearly, no

However, freedom, living your dreams, having a great impact on the world, and being acknowledged as an industry leader all need money management, and you will not attain these goals until your finances are in order and you overcome your financial concerns and phobias.

Money problems are often merely signs of a deeper inner issue that has to be addressed. I'm here to help you get from point A to point B to clarify your short and long-term financial goals that will transform your life.

I’m here to pay it forward so that you can have the same opportunity as me and become a Finance Babe.

And this is about taking the first steps toward creating the life you've always desired!

Let's Do This >>>

I love to coach women who recognize that they need support. There's no excuse not to act now. 

I believe that a teacher shows up when the learner is ready. 

You deserve a happy life and a healthy bank account. 

So let's go get it!

Do you want to stay where you are? We both don’t want that. 

Now is the perfect time to prove to the world what a FINANCE BABE can do.

Join me and hundreds of other awesome women in their journey on 


All of these have a VALUE of $8,000

This is your only life…

This is your one and only life... We're talking about your life. This is the story of your family's life. Please, quit tinkering, experimenting, or promising to make a change next year. This course is sure to transform your financial life. This course is aimed to show you another path. 

I know what works because I've been where you are. Most of my clients have money issues - huge debt, afraid of sales, budgeting problems, money stress.

But you know? You can overcome any of them.

Because you have the power to choose!

I'm Ready To Take Charge Of My Life >>>

Now it is the right moment... 

Don't let fear hold you back.

I know how loud the voice in your head can be when you're pushing forward with your ambitions I’ve been there myself (starting from scratch). There's no reason not to take this course, I've tried them all, and women like you took this course. You better focus on your dreams, instead of being lost and just pondering.


Nothing Will Hold Me Back >>>

Tick Tock...

Time is NOW!

Ladies, embrace this truth: Financial prowess isn't just a man's domain. Without taking the leap into this course, you risk remaining tethered to a constant loop of scarcity, even when every fiber of your being screams you're destined for greatness. Without action, the tumultuous rollercoaster of financial woes could become your regular ride.

But here's the most crucial part: your potential influence on the world, and the legacy you leave for your loved ones, will be diminished. It's time to step up, break the cycle, and craft the financial narrative you not only desire but truly deserve. Rise with us, and redefine your financial story! 

I Want To Live My Life On My Terms >>>

 Real talk!!!

Ditch the guessing game and join the money game; it is more fun!

Never miss this opportunity to learn better ways; your life will be completely different, and you'll thank yourself for investing in this transformation. Plus, remember, you're not alone on this journey!

You'll be backed, cheered on, and supported by a tribe of amazing women from our community every step of the way.

No More Dreaming, More Doing >>>

Frequently Ask Questions 

Check out the frequently asked questions about Finance Babe Academy to figure out the best decision for you and your goals!

Visionary Investment


Pay In Full

  • Three 1:1 Coaching Calls
  • Financial Freedom Analysis
  • Digital Money Ascension Planner
  • All features of Empowerment
    and Momentum Package

Momentum Plan


12 Months Payment

  • 12 Months Access 
  • Monthly Live Q&A Group Calls
  • Private Community Group
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Access To EmpowerHer Workshop