$97.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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12 Monthly Payment

This is your time to take charge of your finances and dream again.  

What you'll get:

  • 12 Months Access 
  • Monthly Live Q&A Group Calls
  • Private Community Group
  • Certificate of Completion
  • In this course, you will learn the following: 

    >> How to learn and understand financial concepts that you never thought possible. 

    >> How to manifest more wealth and attract it into your life.

    >> How to shift to an abundant mindset.

    >> How to get rid of debt and stop worrying about it constantly.

    >> How to make financial decisions confidently.

    >> How to make an enjoyable spending plan.

    >> How to manage and save for your future self.

    >> How to set and attain all of your financial objectives. 





We don't guarantee any specific results.  Everyone's situation and experiences are very different. Each person’s need and situation is as unique as his or her own fingerprint. In order to adapt to a specific result, you should request a private consultation.